Netanyahu: “the Right of Protection”

Days after the UN (United Nations) condemned the expansion of the Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced that Israel will not abide by the UN resolution because it is an attempt against Israeli’s security. Instead, Netanyahu announced mass punishments against the countries that voted for the resolution.

Netanyahu considers that the expansion of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories serves to protect Israel from terrorism. Nevertheless, the international community reflects that the existing dispute between Israel and Palestine will increase.

Netanyahu is leading a radical coalition, considered to be the most right-wing in Israeli history.Avigdor Lieberman, who heads Yisrael Beiteinu – the other major party in the ruling coalition – opposes to recognise Palestine as a state. He has also proposed to transfer the Arabic community (including Israeli Citizens) from Israel to Cisjordania to evade a forthcoming Arabic majority in Israel.

Lieberman demanded to expand the settlements in Palestinian territories, as a condition to enter into a coalition with Netanyahu. Lieberman thinks that the Palestinian territories belong to Israel. It will make improbable the negotiation of the peace with Palestine while he is the Israeli minister of defence. It is in this context that Netanyahu has experienced a sudden radicalization. It worries the international community, who considers that Netanyahu’s actions are undermining the forthcoming negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

The international community recognises the right of Israel to protect the country from terrorists. It also considers that the Israeli occupation kills any possible process of peace in the region. The only possible solution is the mutual acknowledgement of both states.

No one doubts that the Palestinian government made mistakes in the past, which contributed to undermining possible agreements, but not in the last few years. The terrorism from Palestine is also widely rejected by the international community. However, it is not an excuse to avoid negotiating a lasting agreement which satisfies both sides. Netanyahu’s imperialistic vision in collaboration with Lieberman is making it nearly impossible.

Netanyahu should think about why the international community has almost unanimously condemned his policies. In the case that Israel takes more unlawful actions, it will become gradually more isolated from the international community.

Netanyahu expects that Trump’s presidency will halt any sort of international sanctions against Israel. However, the UN resolution opens the possibility for the Palestinian government to invoke the International Court of Justice (ICJ). If it ever happens, Trump will not be able to halt any prosecution or investigation against the Israeli government. In the case that the government is finally found guilty of any crime, the international community will be obliged to implement financial sanctions on Israel. It would have negative impacts on the citizens since the Israeli economy would fall down. Hopefully, the Israeli government will rethink its suicidal positions.

As a consideration, It is impossible to protect a country by imposing violence on your neighbourhood because it provokes more violence. There have been similar scenarios in history with a bad end. Governments should learn from history not to make same mistakes over and over again.



Threats for 2017, and Global Resistance

In many ways, 2016 will be remembered as the year when society lost its common sense. Fascism became predominant in the world again, with Trump as a visible face; governments increased their violations of human rights; and the right to privacy, free speech and the freedom of the press were eliminated. In 2017, our society will face crucial events which could change this dynamic or make it worse.

Here are some of the global events and threats for 2017:

-Refugees: Millions of refugees are still along our borders waiting for a solution. In many cases, they have been living in precarious conditions for years now. It is provoking a humanitarian crisis that must be addressed as soon as possible. However, the Alt-Right political party and the elitist media are criminalising all refugees to halt their entrance into Western countries.

-Russia: Putin is increasing the nuclear capability of Russia to have more influence in the world. He is also abolishing human rights in Russia. As a result, activists and journalists are criminalised and sometimes assassinated by the government.

-Israel: Netanyahu’s rhetoric against the international community and Palestine is becoming more radical. He is threatening everyone who opposes his genocidal ideas. The potential international isolation of Israel, combined with his deranged actions make him a dangerous person. Everything indicates that in 2017, he will radicalise his rhetoric.

-Europe: In 2017, France, Germany and the Netherlands will hold presidential elections. Marine Le Pen (France), Geert Wilders (the Netherlands), and the tandem Frauke Petry/Jörg Meuthen(Germany) will be the perspective presidential candidates. Boosted by Trump’s success, they will have real chances to win the election in their countries representing a threat to the fundamentals of democracy.

-U.S.: Like Putin, Trump will also try to increase the nuclear capability of the U.S. representing a threat to the world. Trump is the visible face of fascism, and his ties with Alt-Right organisations, represented on his cabinet by Bannon, indicates that his presidency will soon turn authoritarian. It is foreseeable that Trump will try to abolish several human rights in the U.S.

As far as we know, these are threats to our democracy and human rights. It is in this context that, people will have to organise a global resistance to defend their rights. In conclusion, 2017 will be the year of the consolidation of fascism, violations of human rights, authoritarianism or the year that civil society will organise to defeat all these threats.

The UN Demands End to Israeli Settlements

The United Nations Security Council believes that Israel’s continued construction in Palestine is a “flagrant violation” of international law.

The U.S. allowed the UN resolution approval against Israel after Samantha Power decided to abstain during the vote. Of the 15 members with the right to vote, 14 voted in favour. This has already caused friction between the U.S. and the Israeli governments.

The resolution says that the establishment of Israel in occupied Palestinian territory since 1967, which includes East Jerusalem “has no legal validity.” It also calls for a halt to “all Israeli settlement activity” saying it is “essential to rescuing a two-state solution.”

Netanyahu has accused Obama of breaking the historic U.S. policies based on protecting its allies and has announced that Israel will not abide by the UN resolution. Netanyahu will immediately cease Israeli donations to four of the five UN administrations where Israel has representation.This could amount to 7.5 million euros (the equivalent of 7.8 millions US dollars).

Netanyahu has also announced sanctions against New Zealand, Senegal, Malasia and Venezuela since they promoted the resolution. Israel is now scrutinising the current situation to decide whether Israel or not should abandon some UN administrations. Israel has also summoned the ambassadors from 10 countries, which is a controversial decision since it is Christmas.

For his part, Trump expressed his worries and has announced his intention to support Israel “at any cost.” In response, Netanyahu has been assured by Trump’s administration that it will defend Israel from its enemies and that both countries will strongly cooperate to protect each other.

The international community has reacted positively to the final resolution. In considering that the Israeli government has violated the international law with impunity for decades and it is unacceptable.

The UN resolution comes after years of an increasing civil rejection against Netanyahu’s policies. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have already expressed their worries over some of Netanyahu’s decisions.

Netanyahu’s imperialistic vision, combined with his extremist conviction, are a threat to Palestine, which is facing a potential genocide.

Apparently, the international community has finally decided to take actions against such a human disaster. However, it assumes that while Netanyahu is the Israeli Prime Minister, there will not be any solution to the existing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In addition, there is the hope that civil society and the international community will play vital roles to bring about an end to the existing conflict in the region. For that reason, the international community will probably announce an embargo and sanctions against Israel

Obama’s decision has been good but is long overdue. Unfortunately, Trump will return to reinstate old politics and will probably protect Israel from any military or financial sanction. Unless Trump finds a solution, it will never be solved.

The Jewish community suffered a lot during the second world war, but it does not justify them to cause the same suffering in the Palestinian community. A new future potential government in Israel led by someone who will respect the international law could be the key to solving this conflict.



Trump and Putin: The Proliferation Of the Nuclear Arsenal

Putin and Trump have announced their intentions to extend the nuclear capacity of their countries. The announcements come after Putin and Trump suggested that they both will work together to solve international affairs (like the war in Syria). 

For its part, the international community has shown its worries over what apparently, is the beginning of a new nuclear arms race between Russia and America.

Experts and journalists, who are scrutinising the case consider that, in extending their nuclear arsenal, Trump and Putin are saber-rattling because they secretly want to funnel money to the military industrial complex. Nevertheless, they agree that it is hard to predict Trump’s intentions since he is “deranged.” Other experts, however, have suggested that Trump and Putin have made such a decision to maintain their international influence.

A small error could trigger a nuclear war with unpredictable consequences, including the extermination of a city or human extinction. Supposedly, it will not happen because there is not any government in the world willing to support such an idea. Secret services from several countries have recently warned about the fact that terrorist groups are trying to obtain weapons of mass destruction (including nuclear). In such a scenario, the launch of a nuclear bomb by a terrorist group could cause a misunderstanding between Russia and the U.S. triggering a disaster.

For years, the international community, and the civil society have warned both countries about the dangers of possessing nuclear arms. Hopefully, It will be enough to make Putin and Trump change their ideas related to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Until then, they should increase the security in their nuclear facilities. According to governmental authorities from both countries, the nuclear facilities are not safe at all; in fact, terrorists had easy access to obtain nuclear weapons.

The survival of humanity depends on the dismantlement of the nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction in the world.



In the Era of Disinformation, Self-Education and Critical Thinking Are More Important than Ever

Many people think that study at university makes them critical thinkers and smarter. In many ways, studying at a university is a positive experience. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the educational system is designed by the government. The same government that undermines citizens’ lives by fabricating fake news to influence them. A real critical thinker would soon conclude that there are some hidden interests behind it.

The implementation of controversial educational systems has as the final goal to prevent students from being critical thinkers.They know that critical thinkers have the ability to find the flaws of the system, and later change it for the better.

In such a context, people are living in a virtual world since they cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not. You can know whether you are a critical thinker or not by responding to the next questions. Do you easily believe what other people say to you? Do you immediately believe what you read in the press? Do you usually analyse and judge the validity of the information? (These are important questions that you should think about)

In the case that you responded to the first two questions positively and negatively to the last, you are not a critical thinker. However, you can still change, and take back control of your life. For that to happen, you need to learn how to scrutinise information on a regular basis. At first, it will require some practice, though it will not take you a long time. Whenever someone explains something to you, or you read news, try to investigate such information from different sources before you make your conclusion. In doing so, you will take back the control of your life.


Never underestimate people without university studies because some of them may impress you. Before judging others, make sure that you meet them regardless of what others (including friends) said to you.

I have been to several countries in America, Africa, Europe and Asia. From my own experience, homeless, beggars and ex-drug addicts may impress you as they did with me. Unfortunately, the system taught us to think that these people are criminals, though they are not. The accumulation of hardship in a short time obliges smart and nice people to become beggars and homeless.

Today, you may have a great life, but who knows what will happen to you tomorrow. Your life may change overnight and you too could become homeless. In such a context, how would you like others to treat you? Think about it and start treating homeless and beggars with the same respect that you would expect from others in the same situation.

P.S. Remember that to become a critical thinker you need to not only read a lot but to read a variety of sources too. Reading helps you to see life from a different perspective, so read as much as you can and encourage others to do the same. In doing so, you will be contributing to changing the world for the better.


Since I  posted my last piece, this intolerant guy, teenager, group or….. and many other people have written to me “nasty things,” including some threats via email. I do not know whether the group behind it is the same or not. I will do some research and soon update it! “Some help would be great”

P.S. The intolerance shown by Amend Article 2 delegitimize his campaign!



Total recount:

417 threats via email.

83 killing messages.

I have already reported it to the authorities. Since I am tolerant and I understand you could have written these threats without thinking a lot, I am going to give you the opportunity to contact me again, within the next two weeks to show me your regrets. In doing so, I will remove you from the already reported list to the authorities.

Remember that killing messages is not the way to express your opinions.
I encourage you all to continue being a very critic with my writings. I think that critics are positive, but never killing threats.

P.S. I have just reported the killing messages.

Obama’s Accusation: The Importance of Information

Over the last few days, former president Obama has accused Russia of hacking into Clinton‘s campaign during the last presidential campaign to help Trump to win the White House. Despite the seriousness of the accusation, Obama has not shown any evidence yet. For its part, the Russian government has denied the accusation and has suggested that Obama proves it or end the discussion.

Since the revelations about possible hacking, there has been a serious growing concern about the credibility of Obama’s administration. The vast majority of citizens consider that the still president should show clear evidence before accusing Russia. According to the law, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

The story turned darker when Obama announced that the secret services informed him about the Russian hacking during the last presidential campaign. However, he decided not to inform citizens, apparently, not to influence the election. It has caused a wave of indignation all across the country with unpredictable consequences.

Millions of citizens are now demanding Obama to release more information about the Russian hacking and his miss-conduct. In a democracy, citizens deserve to know crucial developments during an election.

Russia and the U.S. have been hacking each other since the technology has allowed it. For that reason, the confirmation of the Russian hacking would not be a surprise one at all. Furthermore, both countries have hacked into other country’s systems to instigate revolutions against governments democratically elected.

Putin and Obama are demanding respect for their countries when in fact they are disrespecting other countries. In doing so, they are being very hypocritical. Neither Obama nor Putin deserves to be respected until they respect others.

After Obama’s misconduct, the citizen’s distrust in the government and the system is growing, because of their violation of human rights. It depicts a terrible scenario where citizens are condemned if they resist in order to protect their rights. The size and popularity of the resistance will determine it’s success.

Information is vital in our lives; without information you are condemned to live in the darkness. For that reason, it is important that you demand your government to keep you informed about all crucial issues in the country.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. It is up to you to contemplate it from the distance or move and take it back into your life.

Remember you are not alone!

With Trump As President and Bannon As Chief Strategist, the Freedom of the Press Is in Danger

Donald Trump will be soon sworn in as president of the United States of America. Before that happens, Trump is occupied choosing the future members of his cabinet while the international community is fretting over this because, apparently, it will include racists, climate change deniers, and human rights violators.

There are fears that Trump’s cabinet will try to reform the system to re-centralize power and restrict the freedom of the press. In such a context, the U.S. media and freelance journalists are preparing themselves to work under restrictive conditions to circumvent the upcoming censorship.

During the last campaign, the tandem Bannon/Trump launched an unprecedented mass attack on the U.S. media to convince people that critical journalists were criminals. (Clinton did something similar by ordering some media to hide her misconduct during her term as Secretary of State).

As far as we know, during Trump’s candidacy his strategy of attack on the media was successful in attracting new potential voters. Back then, his influence was limited to his reputation as a supposedly successful businessman. But now, as president-elect his influence and power have increased and he will probably use them to censor unfavourable news related to him.

Apparently, Trump will soon order Bannon to design a plan to set up restrictions on the freedom of the press. In light of the Trump campaign’s victory, Bannon will try to be very severe.

Bannon is the co-founder of Breitbart, a newspaper which embraces xenophobia, racism, and fascism. Bannon is also working with fascist leaders from all across the world like Le Pen and Farage to change the world order.

Bannon calls himself a nostalgic fascist, who misses the times when fascism was predominant in the world. Considering the fact that during those times, freedom of the press did not exist at all, we must expect from him constant attacks on the media and against freelance journalists. We must expect from him constant attacks on the media and against freelance journalists.

If Bannon succeeds, it will then soon be exported to some other Western countries, which will be a disgrace. In globalisation, ideas and trends spread rapidly all across the world. It is the main reason why foreign journalists are terrified.

People do not tend to value media very much because there are “infinite” sources from where someone can obtain information. But it may soon change overnight and then the reaction time will be ridiculous insufficient. For that reason, we should think about how important it is to be able to choose from where we obtain information to be well-informed and take action.

Whether you are a journalist or not, you should protect your human rights. If you are a journalist, you should remain loyal to your public regardless of what government sanctions and threats.

Without journalism, there is no information, and without information, our lives become virtual.

Government Mass Surveillance Is Shaking the Fundamentals of Freedom

Government violation of human rights on a regular basis is representing a real threat to our society. It involves several governments, which are implementing new mass surveillance systems, apparently to protect civilians from terrorists. Nevertheless, it might be another government manoeuvre to distract citizens from the constant violation of our privacy.

Everyone agrees that surveillance systems must exist to prevent terrorist attacks. However, the U.S. and the Russian government in collaboration with some other countries have started to confuse civilians with terrorists, and it is terrifying. Paradoxically, these governments are at the same time, trying to convince their citizens about how wonderful it is to live in their countries where supposedly human rights and people’s freedoms are respected.

An indeterminate number of political representatives think that people are very stupid to believe such fantasies. The powerful propagandist government machinery, combined with the existing level of misinformation and manipulation makes people believe unrealistically.

Trump once said: “I may kill someone and people would still vote for me.” Why should people vote for someone, who kills people? The high level of manipulation is the only possible explanation.

Another example is when Snowden informed us that the U.S. government had been conducting mass surveillance on civilians for years. Back then, a large number of people acknowledged that the U.S. government was violating our rights, and after that some of them took action. However, there were still millions of people who refused to believe it was real even though there was clear evidence, and the government confirmed it.

Surveillance systems are designed to “kill” critical thinking of people, becoming a powerful manipulative tool.

Apparently, there are some countries where human rights are respected by their governments. But is that real or do you believe in it because someone has been telling you since your childhood?

Privacy allows us to think the way we want without any external manipulation. Without it, no one can develop a critically thinking mind, which is determinant in becoming the owner of your life.

In the case of thinking that privacy is important in your life, you may consider using software like Tails, Tor, Qubes and PGP. It helps to circumvent government surveillance. Initially, you may think that it is very complicated to use this software, but it is not at all. After you use it a couple of times, you will be able to use it without any problem on a regular basis.

I am not trying to convince you of anything. Instead, I am asking you to learn how to think critically. Do not believe in anything that other people say to you at first. Try to get some information from different sources and compare them. Then think about it and make your own conclusions.